Designing with Saved Rows

Update a row's content

There may come a time when you need to make some adjustments to a row you've already saved. That's not a problem! There are a couple of ways you can update the content for your saved row.

Standard rows

To update a standard row, click the Save icon for your row again. Any time you hit save on a row you already saved, you can choose to:

  • Use the Save as new button to create a new version of the existing row. Make sure to give it a new name!

  • Update the existing row.

  • Change the Category to which the row is assigned. You can also create a new category by typing after you click on the dropdown.*

*Categories are not available in the Starter plan. You can only use the "My Saved Rows" category option.

Updating from the Library

In other cases, you might know you need to update a saved row before you start working in the builder.

When you open the My Rows tab in your Library, you'll find all the information about your saved rows. This includes the option to Edit row when you hover over the saved row thumbnail.

When you click Edit row, this launches the Row Builder. You'll notice there is no Settings tab in the sidebar; the only options you have are Content and Row. However, there are some limitations with the Row tab. Notably, you can not add more rows to your design. You can only update the settings for the existing row (e.g., mobile optimization features and column settings).

When you complete your updates and exit the row builder, you land back on the My rows of the Library. Note that the Row Builder is the only place where you can modify a synced row. If you try to edit a synced row inside a design, you're automatically redirected to the Row Builder.

There are other options you have with your saved rows from your Library. For further information, please refer to Managing saved rows.

Update a row's details

You can manage your standard rows directly inside the builder! When you view your saved rows in the builder's Row tab, you'll first see a preview image. Below the preview, you will see the name on the left and an options icon on the right.

Upon clicking the options icon, you'll see two options:

  • Edit details

  • Delete

Editing row name

Have you ever found two saved rows by the same name when working in the builder? This can create some confusion for your designers. To fix this, use the Edit details option directly in the builder. This opens the same modal that you see when updating the design for standard saved rows.

From this modal, you can change the row name (or save it under a different name) or move it to a different category.

Deleting saved rows

If you find a row that you no longer need, you can easily delete it while inside the builder. Select the Delete option from the options dropdown menu. You'll be asked to confirm the action.

You'll receive a confirmation message that states your row has been deleted.

Last updated