Designing your segment

Segments are dynamic, which means they update in real-time as your data changes.

Use the Add Rule button to add a Search Rule to your segment

Contact Info Rules are used to search by the following criteria

Contact list properties such as:

  • name

  • zip code

  • domain name

  • gender

  • tags

  • creation date

  • anything you've stored in your contact list data as a property

Click the + sign to add additional criteria

Search for contacts that were added in the last X number of days or during a specific date range

List Membership Rules

List Membership Rules find or exclude contacts based on their lists and segments

Message Engagement Rules

Message Engagement Rules are used to search by the following criteria

  • Contacts who opened or clicked on links in specific messages

  • Contacts who opened or clicked on links in ANY messages

  • Contacts who did not open or click on links in specific messages

  • Contacts who have not open or clicked on links in ANY messages

  • Whether contacts opened or clicked on links in messages in the past X number of days or within a specific date range

  • Contacts for whom a message was successfully delivered

  • Contacts for whom a message was unsuccessfully delivered

  • The location contacts opened or clicked on links in messages from including country, state, and zip code

  • Device type, operating system, and browser contacts opened or clicked on links in messages from

Select how search rules pass or fail, commonly known as and/or logic

There are three choices for how the search rules you create can pass or fail for this segment


Every rule has to be true. If any of your rules contain false criteria, all of the rules will fail and 0 matching contacts will be returned.


If any rule is true, return matches and simply disregard non-matches.


Exclude contacts matching these rules from the segment

Using a Rule Group to add depth with nested all/any/none combinations

Rule groups allows you to create a secondary group of Search Rules with their own pass/fail criteria

This greatly opens up the combination of possibilities

Here we search for contacts tagged as purchasers who have opened their emails from America, but only if they exist in at least one of three specified contact lists.

Click the "Save" button in the upper right to save your segment and see the number of contacts found.

Remember, if "All" is specified for the passing condition, this number can show 0.

Your contact count will increment in real time as your data changes, all segmenting is dynamic.

Last updated