What you can do with broadcasts

  • Add free high quality images from Pixabay to your templates

  • Send over any postal route created in the backend

  • Use unlimited combinations of contact lists, segments, and tagged contacts in one campaign

  • Suppress segments and tagged contacts

  • Upload suppression lists

  • Add openers and clickers to an automated email sequence

  • Automated resending to non-openers at a future date/time

  • Tag and untag openers and clickers

  • Personalization using any fields in your contact lists in the subject line and message

  • Add personalization fields in your template links using any data from your contact lists for landing page form autofills and tracking

  • Choose between three message editors: in-house drag and drop, WYSIWYG, and raw HTML

  • Add 3rd party unsubscribe links that allow contacts to unsubscribe from advertisers while staying on your list

  • Deliver your contacts in random order or prioritize newest contacts first

  • Export a csv of openers, clickers, unsubscribes, complaints, and delivery successes

  • Trigger webhooks to another platform for realtime processing of opens, clicks, bounces, complaints, unsubscribes

  • Detailed reporting including message heatmap, contact geos, and devices/browsers

  • Per domain metrics including open rate, CTR, unsubs, bounces, complaints for all contact list domains broken out individually

Last updated